Hi there. Today is day 19 of my 60 day challenge to become a Unity Game Developer!
Today was a good day nothing too crazy. Worked on some small stuff and really just have a few things that I need to finish up before this game is complete!
This is where my game is today:
Some things I worked on today:
- Continued to fine tune the boss. I adjusted the camera shake on impact so it wasn’t as intense. I also added in a Coroutine to make sure there is enough delay between wave 4 and when it instantiates.
- Updated the power up spawn manager so that it is more balanced.
- Added a winner text() to be called once the boss is defeated. This both sets the level text as well as calls the GameOverSequence().
Some Challenges I faced:
- Seems to be a slight delay between when my enemies reach 0 and when the spawn manager moves on to the next wave. There is also a delay between when the game over text pops up and when the boss’ destroy animation is triggered. Will try to fix both of those things tomorrow. Tomorrow I also plan to work on fixing my aggressive enemy behavior, updating some specialty weapons, and fine tuning everything :-)!
See you tomorrow.