60 days to become a game developer. Day 23.

Mar McRae
Nov 12, 2020


Hi there. Today is day 23 of my 60 day challenge to become a Unity Game Developer!

My game is almost ready to be unveiled to the world! I cleaned up a lot and will be posting the finished game to my personal site tomorrow 🙌🙌. I’ll drop a link to that in my post tomorrow once its up so if anyone is interested they can check it out.

Here’s where my game is tonight!

Some things I worked on:

My game is pretty hard which I like but I needed a way to incorporate more health/lives while still being able to take advantage of the life graphic that was part of the original course. I decided to create a new health sliding bar. I set a float for the player’s health to 100 and instead of damage from enemies removing a life it would deduct from the health instead only once the health reached 0 would a life be removed.

I also needed to update the health powerup.

With the help of a tech lead I was able to update my homing missile behavior to be more efficient by using a foreach loop. Love how much simpler this was than trying to use tags and a string array.

Some other stuff I worked on:

  • Rearranged UI some more.
  • Added a new weapon for the aggressive enemy.
  • Changed the spawn manager to instantiate less enemies.
  • Updated max ammo to 100.

Final Touches to be made tomorrow :

  • Maybe a few adjustments to boss and super laser.
  • Post to website!

See ya tomorrow.



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