Hello. Today is Day 30 of my 60 day challenge to become a Unity Game Developer!!
I cannot believe I am half way through this internship already. Boy, this has been such an amazing journey so far. I am having so much fun learning game development! Looking forward to the next 30 days :-).
30 Day Recap: The Good.
- My game of course!!! I learned SO many valuable skills building my 2D shooter game.
- I’m really happy that I decided to apply. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I was super close to not applying for this internship as I wasn’t sure if I would be the best fit. I also felt intimidated by game development. This has turned out to be such a wonderful experience. Our team is awesome, the company is awesome, and again, I am so grateful to be doing this internship. I learn so many things every single day and more importantly I am challenged every day.
- Blogging/other social anxiety milestones. One of the hardest parts of the internship for me is being an introvert and learning how to deal with all of the anxiety that comes with this blog, group meetings, presentations, etc. I am really proud of myself for working through it.
30 Day Recap: Challenges
- Biggest challenge has been to not be so self critical.
- GIT! But I will be good at it by the end of this thing if it kills me.
Can’t believe how time flies but I very much look forward to keeping at it for 30 more days!!!
Game Update: I had to play a little catch up today but happy to report that I’m a bit farther along than I thought I would be! Can’t wait to show you my progress a little later on in my next blog.
See you then.