60 days to become a game developer. Day 32.

Mar McRae
3 min readNov 22, 2020


Hello! Here is a recap of Day 32 of my 60 day challenge to become a Unity Game Developer :)

Friday was the end of my 5th week here as an intern at GameDevHQ! Reflecting back on my week I realized that it was not the most productive in terms of my game. Even though my game isn’t as far along as I would like, I am really happy that I got quite a bit of practice breaking down coding problems which is what this internship is all about; developing the skills to be not just a game developer but a developer who can figure out how to solve whatever problems may come their way. I have a lot to learn but I can definitely say that my skills are growing bit by bit everyday.

Checkout this End Level Cutscene I worked on:

  • To create this cutscene the first thing that I needed to do was review the director’s notes. After that I can then add my actor into the scene and position the object where it needed to be. Once that is completed then the first cinemachine virtual camera can be added.
using ctr + shft + f aligns the camera with the current view as seen above.

I added in the animation for the cutscene by adding in the end level cutscene animation.

Once this was complete then I was able to add on the cinemachine brain in the Timeline and create a second cinemachine virtual camera so that I can capture the second shot. This is where you see Darren (our main character and actor in the scene) look at the camera. In order to smooth out the transition the shots are blended together and some noise was added. Noise is a really cool feature that I hadn’t used up until now. Basically, it mimics the kind of natural camera shake you would have if a director was physically holding a camera.

From there the UI elements were added to create the camera fade in at the beginning, out at the end, as well as the Congratulation text and game over buttons.


  • Finding enough time in the day.
  • The darn lighting! The good news is I know how to fix it now (thanks Ryan & Dylan!) It just takes a little time. Will try and get this all squared away by Monday.

Will be back at it tomorrow!

Until then.



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