60 days to become a game developer. Day 53 .

Mar McRae
3 min readDec 12, 2020


Hi there! Here is a recap of yesterday, Day 53 of my 60 day challenge to become a Unity Game Developer!

The whole day yesterday was spent in meetings to make sure our game was working as intended to try and meet our deadline for MVP.

Ready to be impressed?

I am beyond proud of my team for how AWESOME this game is turning out to be! Those are the big green enemies I made earlier in the week. Big shoutout to my teammate Dylan who is SO creative with the animations he makes!

Everything is really coming together!

Our whole day yesterday was spent debugging and working through things together as a group. As selfish as this is, it was a bit of a relief to know that a lot of us had one thing or another that needed to be adjusted or worked on. This made me realize how hard I’ve been on myself the last day or two over the “buggy” code I pushed. Don’t get me wrong, I still feel bad about the bonehead mistakes I made and I still know that I have a lot of growing to do in many ways but in retrospect it probably wasn’t as bad as I thought it was at the time.

For today’s blog, it’d be a lot to go through all of the little things we debugged yesterday and difficult to remember most of them so instead I’ll take this time to do a little recap since I am about 1 week away from finishing this challenge!

How I feel now that I am about a week away from the end:

I’m excited. I’m learning a lot working on this group project both from my teammates and from the agile style of working implemented for this project. I’m also a little nervous about what happens next but I am confident that with this internship and the other skills that I’ve gained over the past year, I will find a job in this industry at some point. Also, the end is not the end. I still have a lot of learning to do, things that I want to get better at and projects that I want to build. 🙌

What I feel I’ve done well:

I’m proud of myself for continuing to blog often and all the other social anxiety struggles I’ve had to face. Working with fun and easy going people definitely helps :). I’m happy that I’ve really improved at git. Git was one of the things that I wanted to get a lot of practice with during this internship and I sure have done that.

What do I look forward to over the course of the next week:

The thing I look forward to the most is my code review. I really appreciate feedback and want to know how I can do better. I want to know what code I wrote well, what did not go so well and how I should approach it for next time, as well as what my perceived strengths and weaknesses are in a team setting. I also look forward to unveiling our game! I think people will be sooooo impressed.


↠Just staying positive and remembering to not be so hard on myself. This is a program made specifically for people to become better developers, so I shouldn’t see any mistakes I make in this program as a “failure” but just a learning opportunity.

Final Thoughts:

Almost there! All of my features for MVP are done so I probably won’t do too much with the project unless I need to jump in and help with something. This weekend I plan to work on either my website or maybe a new side project. Did I mention that I was gifted a brand new Occulus quest a few weeks ago😁🙌. I’ve been so busy I haven’t been able to do much with it but maybe I’ll try to at least set it up and write about it. Either way I’ll keep you posted.

I am blogged out for today so I’ll probably post again tomorrow or early Monday morning.

Enjoy your weekend and see you soon!



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