Hi there! Here is a recap of Tuesday, Day 57 of my 60 day challenge to become a Unity Game Developer!
This week has been BUSY debugging this game and getting it all polished up for release. Happy to report that MVP is now completed !! So happy :-)
Check it out!
As you can see this is being played live online! We decided to test the WebGL build we’d use github pages. This is a great and free way to host your games and the best part is it’s super easy!
Here’s a walkthrough of how I did this:
Since there was already a repository on github, the first thing I did was grab the webgl that was uploaded by my teammate Dylan. If I were to do this from scratch I would need to build the project! You do this by going to File > Build Settings, then choose your platform. In this case, we are building for the web so it would be WebGL. Double check your player setting are how you want them and click build!
If you’re taking the GameDevHQ courses and have used Filebase there are some additional things that you need to do in order for your build to compile correctly.
Typically once the build completes all you would have to do is take the Build and TemplateData folders along with the index.html and place it in the root of your folder, commit and push the changes via git. If you’ve not created a repository on github for your project you can also create a new repo there and just push up the build. This is actually what I ended up doing as our github repo had some things in our gitignore file that was preventing the webgl to load properly. Instead of making any changes to the gitignore I just made a new repo to hold only the build files.
Next we explore the wonderful world of Github pages!
Once everything has been pushed up, go to the settings of your repo.
If you scroll down towards the bottom of the page you’ll see a section called GitHub pages. All you have to do now is choose the branch and folder you want it to pull from, hit save, and that is it!! You’ll see a link for your new live page!
This is a great and free way to let others play your game, host your personal site, or showcase any other webdev projects!
- This is only a free service for public repos.
- There might be a size limit.
- It takes a few minutes to load up so don’t freak out if you click on it right away and get a 404 error.
Other things that happened:
↠Lots of peer coding!
We are working to get everything all polished up and squared away to publish/showcase our game!
Talk to you soon.