60 days to become a game developer. Days 58 & 59.

Mar McRae
4 min readDec 19, 2020


Hi there! Here is a recap of Wednesday and Thursday, Days 58 & 59 of my 60 day challenge to become a Unity Game Developer!

OMG! This week FLEW by. I can’t believe this is the second to last post in this challenge. Holy moly, its both bitter sweet and surreal to be this close to the end. But something really amazing happened yesterday, we officially published our game!

Take a look at this awesome trailer for our game made by none other than the talented Ryan Yamura! I am seriously so proud of our team!!

GO PLAY IT NOW HERE — →>>>>>>>>>>https://gamedevhq.itch.io/nova-star !!!!

These two days were spent mostly doing market research, brainstorming with the team about how we wanted to approach our marketing efforts and just finishing up the little last minute things so that everything can come together for publishing this game!!

Another thing that I worked on was the readme.md on our github page.

Here is how I approached this:

The readme file in github is surprisingly tricky at first in the sense that it’s not just a “word-like” document that you can intuitively add stuff to and format. It actually uses Markdown, a light weight markup language, and so there is specific syntax needs to be used in order to get the readme file to look professional and well formatted.

Luckily, there’s some pretty good resources out there and just took a little bit of playing with.

Here’s some quick tips in case you’re interested:


So, for the most part I only had to worry about 3 sections. The general summary, the features list, and instructions on how to play the game. To do this was pretty simple. The project name already defaults with a heading, which is created using a hashtag. For the the summary I did not have to do any kind of formatting so I just typed out the verbiage. Next, for the first section highlighting the features I knew I wanted a break between the summary and the sub heading as well as after the verbiage. To do this I added in </br> which creates one line of spacing; I did the same for the instructions section. I also added 3 backticks before and after each of those sections to create a nice looking block. This can be used to highlight a section like I did or for code.

Here’s what it all looks like:

Click on image to see details.

You may have noticed some weird link looking thing about an image in there. This is for the image I wanted to place in the file. There is a little trick I learned to easily add images into the readme pages. So first thing you have to do is in your repo open a new issue by clicking on issues….

then click on new issue.

From there just drag and drop your image into the body section of the issue form.

After a few moments a new image link should automatically be created which you can copy and paste right into your readme file as shown in the earlier clip. PLEASE NOTE: Do not submit the new issue request, just close out the file without saving it. That is it! Seems a little janky I know, but this is a much faster solution than having to deal with dropping the image into your repository or hosting it somewhere else and using relative links to grab them.

Here’s the final result:

That was it for days 58 & 59! The next time I post will be THE. LAST. POST. OF. THIS. CHALLENGE!!! Whoa. I was going to power through and get it up tonight since its the last day but to be honest I’m a bit spent from this week and I really want to think and write about this experience with a fresh brain. With that said….

I’ll see you tomorrow.



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