It is Day 2 of my 74 day challenge to become a Unity game developer! Today was a good day filled with small challenges and lots of learning. I spent most of the day diving into a C# course (very appropriately named the “Unity C# Survival Guide”). I also spent time just familiarizing myself with the Unity Platform.
Here‘s are a few things I learned:
- Unity is pretty darn cool. Today was my first time really starting to play with it and I’m already excited to get more familiar with the all of the “bells and whistles” it has. I also love how intuitive it is.
- It’s good to always include Unity as a keyword when searching for answers even when you think you don’t need to.
- It’s important to make sure that your editor of choice is properly linked to Unity or else you might get wonky errors like this:
Here are some challenges that I faced:
- Fighting the urge to rush through the tutorials just so I can play with things on my own without fully grasping the material.
- Spending time reading about things related to Unity but are not necessarily beneficial to where I am in the journey.
- Still working through some serious blog anxiety but practice makes perfect :-).
Tomorrow I will be getting deeper into Unity by working on my first 2D game!
See you then.