Happy Aloha Friday, wherever you are. Today is day 4 of my 74 day challenge to become a fully employable Unity Developer. It is also the end of my first week as an intern in the program already!
First off, check this out:
Dare I say this is actually starting to look like a real game?….
Here are a few things I learned today:
- Got an introduction to the wonderful world of physics in Unity. And as someone who is NOT a math wizard, what a wonderful world it is! I was so glad that applying physics like gravity in Unity is as simple as a checkbox. I learned that in order for physics to apply you need to add a RigidBody component to your object. I also learned about important methods such as OnCollision(hard surface collision.. think crash of some sort)and OnTrigger (more like passing through an object, like collecting coins in a game).
- How to get better at breaking coding problems down into pieces so they’re easier to solve.
- Changes don’t save in playmode.
Here are some challenges I faced today:
- Still trying to figure out how to get my computer to perform better.
- I could’ve been more productive with my tutorials. Need to get better about sticking to the set time I give to things.
Random Friday Food For Thought:
If there is something that you want to do or something that you’ve always been interested in doing, just do it. Seriously. Just. Try. I’ve been thinking about how if it weren’t for me stumbling upon this opportunity I may have never tried game development. Several months back I got really intimidated reading up on game development and decided I probably wasn’t smart enough to learn it so maybe I shouldn’t spend time trying. When I saw the post for GameDevHQ’s internship one week ago today, I figured, what do I have to lose? If I totally suck at least I’ll get paid for it. Well, as it turns out, so far game development isn’t nearly as scary as I thought it would be AND it’s super fun. I’m really hoping that one day I’ll have a career in Tech. Maybe it’ll be in game development or maybe in some other developer role but I definitely plan to keep at this regardless of what the future holds because it’s just plain fun to do, and the point is I was thisclose to missing out on it. So, I guess what I’m trying to say is don’t ever sell yourself short because you never know until you try.
Catch ya tomorrow.