Hi there! Today is Day 8 of my 74 day challenge to become a fully employable game developer.
This is how I spent my day….. I’m just saying :).
As you can see I’m getting really close to the end of building this game and I am so surprised at how much I’ve learned in just the last 8 days.
There were a lot of things that I went over today in the tutorials but here are a few that stick out:
- Learned how to create a separate scene for the main menu. I did this by creating a new scene, creating a background, changed the background color, added an image, and finally a button. I also learned how to create an onClick() in the inspector and how to use SceneManager which contains methods for loading scenes.
- Learned how to use the UI components. So neat to finally see how all these little pieces come together to create a much more polished product. For example, the blinking GAME OVER in the gif above was achieved by creating a Coroutine() with a return type of IEnumerator to delay a half second between activating and deactivating the text component.
- Learned how to use the post processing package to add effects. I had so much fun playing with the different effects available through the post processing package! Love how it really intensified the graphics and allowed me to create a tone that I’m happy with.
Challenge I’m facing:
- Blog anxiety. What else is new lol. It’s not called a challenge for nothing. Will stay strong. Will post everyday. It’s only day 8 so it’s more likely to become easier not harder.
Tomorrow I am finishing this baby up! Can’t wait to clean up the little things, add in the sounds, a few more bells and whistles, and finally check my very first game ever off the list!!